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Libraries which are store houses of knowledge and information, and information centres which disseminate knowledge and information, form two important components of present day society. While there is a deluge of information on one hand, the cost of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information as been spiralling up on the other hand. Because of this, resource sharing and cooperative functioning through networking have become inescapable for ...
Library automation refers to the use of computers to serve the needs of library users. The operations of a library get a quantum jump with the introductions of computers. The computers help to provide fast and reliable access to the resources available in the library as well as elsewhere. The internet and the worldwide web have pushed libraries to be even more interdependent than before, because of the bewildering array of sources and providers of information ...
The information technology explosion and its applications in every aspect of life have changed the entire scenario of the present world. The IT revolution and information explosion has led to the emergence of electronic information era. These days, the users are not satisfied with the printed available material, they require that printed information be supplemented with more dynamic multimedia documents. Thus digital libraries are becoming an important element in ...