The book Elementary Irrigation Engineering has been written to meet the needs of Diploma students of Civil engineering for their course in irrigation engineering. It deals with the basics of major topics related to irrigation engineering.
The first chapter introduces irrigation, its development in India, and different irrigation methods. Hydrological aspects of irrigation engineering have been introduced in Chapter 2. Soil-water-plant relationships and water ...
In almost all technical institutions of learning, the laboratory work in any subject runs concurrently with the course in theory of the subject. Consequently, the students perform the laboratory work mechanically without intellectual involvement in the work. It is, therefore, necessary that the students, before conducting the experimental work, are familiarized with elementary theoretical and other aspects relevant to the experimental work. This book is an ...
The book "Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering" deals with the fundamental and general aspects of irrigation and water resources engineering and includes recent developments in hydraulic engineering related to irrigation and water resources engineering. Significant inclusions in the book are a chapter on management (including operation, maintenance, and evaluation) of canal irrigation in India, detailed environmental aspects for water resource ...