G L Maliwal

Showing all 9 books
The waste water generated from urban and industries contain heavy metals depending upon their source of generation. Water is becoming a scarce commodity even for irrigation purpose when its present share of 85% of available water resources is likely go down to 68% by 2050. Under this situation, the farmers have to use such waste waters for irrigation.Heavy metals are among the most dangerous contaminants of environment. The accumulation of heavy ...
Good quality water is becoming more and more scarce on global basis due to expanding urbanization and industrialization and attempts have been made to use and reuse the huge quantities of waste water generated daily by human and industrial activities without causing any adverse effect on the environment. However, disposal of pollutant contaminated waste waters on land causes soil pollution and deterioration in the quality of crop produce, edible portions of ...
The importance of environmental science and environmental science and environmental studies can not be disputed. The need of sustainable development is a key to the future of making. Continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like economic productivity and national security, global arming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of environmental issues. The ...