G R Chhatwal

Showing all 23 books
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Air Pollution which compiled and judiciously edited in three volumes, deals with the scientific discussion of air pollution, its adverse effects on the human beings and the environment and as well as various methods of its control.Safe life on earth in being endangered by Ozone layer depletion, hazardous industrial vases emission to atmosphere, smoke, pollution of air due to hydro carbons and other such things.The set contains the ...
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Water Pollution which is compiled and judiciously edited in three volumes, deals with the scientific discussion of water pollution, its adverse effects on the human beings and the environment and as well as various methods of its control. The set contains the latest development happened on the subject during the last two decades. The text has been treated in a rigorous and quantitative manner, many such concepts which are helpful in ...
Excessively consumer-oriented culture and human greed have done irreparable damages to the environment and ecology of this planet. Waste and its disposal is the gravest problem before the mankind. In the prevalent words pollution is the wrong amount of the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Environmental pollution due to waste, whatever may its source be, has reached menacing dimensions. The present Encyclopaedia of Environmental Waste Pollution ...
Environmental Analyasis is the evaluation of natural environment and of damage to it through human and non-human agencies. For comprehensive evaluation of an ecosystem, it is essential to monitor both qualitatively and quantitatively spatial and temporal variations in structural and functional attributes of environment which may be categorized physical, chemical and biological.The Encyclopaedia of Environmental Analysis, consisting of three volumes, is a ...
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Soil and Marine Pollution, organized in two volumes, is a veritable mine of authoritative information on the menacing soil and marine pollution conditions endangering plant and marine lives. Pollution is "the wrong amount of the wrong things in the wrong place at the wrong time". Soil connects the biosphere to a source of mineral elements in the lithosphere, the earth's rock mantle, to a source of gaseous elements in the ...
Man has to depend mostly on nature and environment for energy resources. Due to excessive exploitation of natural energy resources, we are rapidly approaching severe 'Energy Crises.' Hence we have seriously to ponder over proper management of Environmental Energy Resources. The present Encyclopaedia in two volumes, a veritable mine of authoritative information, is most timely publication. Many important issues are systematically discussed with the help of ...
The present Encyclopaedia, in two volumes, contains most useful information about Environmental Management, Major yet crucial topics such as introduction to environmental management, Environmental Pollution, Environment--Problems and Perspectives, Management of pesticide pollution, Management of waste heat, Management of throwaway packages; Management of air pollution control; Ozone layer, Ultra-violet radiation; Acid rain and its management, Management of ...
With the advancement of science and technology agricultural sector also adopted improved technology and chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. To feed the rapidly growing population, agriculture sector applied heavy quantity of chemicals-which, no doubt, resulted in record yield. But simultaneously grew the problem of food hazards, poisoning, air pollution, soil pollution etc. This encyclopaedia compiles highly useful and scientific information on all ...
During the last thirty years or so a wave of the environmental consciousness and concern is being developed in India and other countries. This work is an effort to keep pace with the continuing rapid developments in all areas of environment. It includes different types of environmental pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, radiation pollution, land pollution, etc. Each topic covers the scientific discussion of each ...