G S Batra

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In a developing economy small scale industries play a significant role in economic development of the country. These industries by and large represent a stage in economic transition from traditional to modern technology. The variation in transitional nature of this process is reflected in the diversity of these enterprises. Most of the small enterprises use simple skills and machinery. Besides playing economic role for the country, small enterprises because of ...
Globalisation and Liberalisation of economies is gaining growing attention as a strategy for survival competition and growth. The political transformation in the Eastern Europe and former USSr and economic reforms all over the world has given an added impetus to globalisation. The unprecedented balance of payment crisis, lack of foreign exchange to meet the country's requirements, high rate of inflation and poor credibility of India in the International Financial ...
Policy of globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation in select areas are the new paradigms in a developing economy. This process has affected the different reforms of Indian economy. Growth and increased competitiveness of the corporate sector, technology upgradation and emerging consumer markets are the result of the process of opening up the economy. Keeping in view the vast size of rural market in India economic reforms have vast implication for the rural ...
Financial innovations have changed the whole structure and functioning of financial markets. The entire range of reforms aimed at promoting competition within a prudent regulatory regime is beginning to bear fruit. The financial position of the scheduled commercial banks has improved. The number of public sector banks declaring operating profits went up. The average ratio as to non-performing assets to the total advances for the public sector banks came down in ...
Globalisation and Libralisation are the recent trends in the emerging economies of the world. To cope with the challenges of survival, competitiveness and growth business management discipline assumes much more importance. Functional Management research is being recognized as a powerful tool of transformation of different sectors of a fast developing economy. Our knowledge about organizations and management practices within them is likely to be richer if it is ...
When the International Business environment is undergoing rapid transformation and new linkages are sought to be enforced through the multilateral trade negotiations, there is need for restructuring the industry, agriculture and other sectors of the economy to meet the new challenges in the changing global business scenario. Introduction and implementation of various reform we have witnessed breakdown of South Asian economies and recessionary tendencies in India ...
Globalisation and Liberalisation is gaining growing attention as a strategy for survival, competition and growth. The limitations of national markets, the diversity and unevenness of resource endowments of different nations, complexity of technological developments, differences in the levels of development and demand patterns, differences in production costs and efficiencies, technological revolution in communication and other fields etc., mandate globalisation. ...
Globalisation and liberalisation is gaining growing attention as a strategy for growth, survival and competition. Radical liberalisation has been ushered to make the developing economies progressively market oriented and to integrate with the emerging global economic structure in a more meaningful way. Recent South-East Asian crisis has tumbled down the emerging markets of the world viz. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea. In this context, commerce and ...
The purpose of environment management is to help improve practices of environment management where this subject has received scant attention. India's environmental problems are gaining global significance because of the rapid population growth, the aggressive speed of urbanization and lack of infrastructure. This consequently puts tremendous pressure on the natural resources and therefore, the need to strike a balance between the economic development and the ...