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The word Tantra is derived from the root tan., " to spread, " and the agential suffix tra, " to save," meaning that knowledge which is "spread to save." It is a generic term under which a whole culture of a certain epoch of Indian history found expression. According to their own definition. Tantra denotes that body of religious scriptures (sastra) which is stated to have been revealed by Siva as a specific scripture ...
The Nyayamanjari of Jayantabhatta is an epoch-making work on Indian logic. The book was first published in the Vizianagram Sanskrit Series, Varanasi in 1895 under the editorship of MM Gangadhara Shastri of hollowed memory. The introduction contains many useful points which throw much light on the author and the work. Decades after the book was re-edited by Pandit Surya Narayana Shukla in the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi. It was also reprinted in the ...
The history of Sanskrit literature is by itself a fascinating subject in which not only students of language but also the intelligentsia in general find an abiding interest. This prompted the author to undertake the first edition of the book under the title, An Introduction to Classical Sanskrit, in a short compass in 1943. It is indeed a matter of gratification that the edition was exhausted in a rather short time, and there has been a persistent demand for a ...