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This is a metaphysical book which dwells upon the concept of the ultimate progression of man into a highly enlightened species called the Supramental being, towards which, the author says, the intermediary stage has already been reached. "As man arose of animal, so out of man superman shall," said Sri Aurobindo. Overman is a metaphysical book which dwells upon concept of the ultimate progression on man into a highly enlightened spices called the ...
Arvinda Ghose, born in Bengal, assimilated the spirit of the West in England; Mirra Alfassa, born in France. Came to live in India. As Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, they incorporated the essence of the global spirit. Together, they created a vision and worked out the foundations of a spiritual revolution that reaches far into the future. They also created the Integral Yoga, a synthesis of the existing yogas meant not for an escape into a Hereafter, but the ...
Despite their essential contribution to the present world, Sri Aurobindo and the mother are still mostly unknown outside the circles of their disciples and devotees. It is Georges Van Vrekhem’s intention in this biography of the Mother to examine all available material about her life and to present it in an accessible and interesting way. He attempts to draw the full picture, including the often neglected but important last years of her life, and even of some ...