Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Showing all 18 books
Ocean of Nectar is the first complete commentary in English to Chandrakirti's classic Guide to the Middle Way, one of the most important scriptures in Mahayana Buddhism and regarded to this day as the principal text on emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality. In this long-awaited major work Geshe Kelsang provides an entirely new translation of Chandrakirt's verse masterpiece and explains with outstanding clarity the philosophical reasoning establishing Buddha's ...
The subject of this book is the Bodhisattva's moral discipline. The Sanskrit term Bodhisattva is the name given to anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhichitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddha hood for the benefit of all living being. Since everyone has within their mental continuum the seeds of great compassion and bodhichitta, and since everyone can at some time meet a Mahayana Dharma Teacher, it is possible for everyone to ...
Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully, gives a full, practical explanation of the Mahayana Buddhist practice of transference of consciousness, known in Tibetan as 'Powa is a method by which accomplished meditaters transfer their consciousness to a higher rebirth. Buddha taught powa practice for those who have not entered the path to liberation or for those who have accumulated many non-virtuous actions. By practicing powa sincerely they can avoid rebirth in the ...
This inspiring introduction to Buddhist meditation provides essential background material on mediation - why we need to meditate, how to prepare for meditation, and how to enjoy a successful meditation session.A step-by-step manual, providing a clear and practical guide to Buddhist meditation. It explains What is meditation and how it work. How to integrate meditation into our daily life. How to find lasting peace and happiness through meditation. This inspiring ...
These and many other themes are illuminated in this compelling introduction to the life and teachings of Buddha. Those new to Buddhism and meditation will find this book an ideal guide to the Buddhist way of life.
In Heart Jewel Geshe Kelsang presents two essential practices of Kadampa Buddhism, the popular Mahayana Buddhist tradition that derives from the renowned Tibetan teacher Je Tsongkhapa. The first practice is relying upon a spiritual guide, which lays the foundation for gaining all the blessings and realizations of the paths to liberation and enlightenment. The second practice is relying upon an enlightened Dharma protector, whereby we can swiftly overcome all ...
Universal Compassion is a book of practical instructions on increasing love and compassion, an ideal guide to the Mahayana Buddhist teachings on training the mind, step-by-step instructions on developing universal love and compassion in our daily life and, an essential advice on how to transform all life situations into opportunities for spiritual development. The supreme Dharma of training the mind (Tib. Lojong) is an unsurpassed method for controlling our mind, ...
Great Treasury of Merit is a comprehensive explanation of offering to the spiritual guide (Tib. Lama Chopa), one of the most profound meditation practices of Mahayana Buddhism. In this highly acclaimed guide, Geshe Kelsang shows clearly how to rely upon a spiritual guide, the foundation of all spiritual attainments. He explains the three essential components of Buddha’s Sutras and Tantras—the two preliminary practices of the stages of the path and training ...
Essence of Vajrayana is the first complete explanation in English to the uncommon generation stage practice of Heruka body mandala. Buddha Heruka is a manifestation of all the Buddhas' enlightened compassion, and by relying upon him we can swiftly attain a pure selfless joy and bring true happiness to others. In part one Geshe Kelsang explains with characteristic clarity and precision how we can practise the sublime visualizations of Heruka body mandala and ...
Joyful Path of Good Fortune presents the complete Buddhist path to enlightenment in a form that is easy to understand and put into practice. Enriched with stories and illuminating analogies, it presents the essential meaning of all Buddha's teachings in the order in which they are to be practised, giving step-by-step guidance on all the meditations leading to full enlightenment. By following the instructions given in this book we can truly transform our life, ...
Understanding the mind provides a practical explanation of the mind in a unique combination of profound philosophical exploration and practical psychology. Part one explains how Buddhist psychology is based on an understanding of the mind as a formless continuum that is related to, yet separate from, the physical body. Through understanding the nature of the mind and the process of cognition we can attain a lasting state of inner peace and happiness that is ...
A Bodhisattva is someone who has resolved to liberate all living beings from suffering by fulfilling his or her full spiritual potential. Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but few understand how to make this wish effective in their daily life. In this highly acclaimed explanation of the great Buddhist classic, Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Geshe Kelsang shows how we can develop and maintain the supremely compassionate motivation ...
An understanding of emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality, lies at the heart of Buddhist view and practice. The Heart Sutra, one of the best known and most popular of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, contains the essence of Buddha's teachings on emptiness and the methods to develop the wisdom that understands this ultimate reality. In this highly acclaimed explanation of the Sutra, Geshe Kelsang reveals its explicit and implicit meanings with both clarity and ...
Guide to Dakini Land is the first complete explanation in English to the Tantric practice of Vajrayogini, the female Buddha of wisdom. The book provides detailed instructions to the eleven yogas of generation stage, which are special methods for transforming all our daily activities into the spiritual path. It also explains with perfect clarity the essential completion stage practices of Vajrayogini, which lead to full enlightenment. Included are all the sadhanas ...
These days there is great interest in the practice of Tantra, and an urgent need for a comprehensive guide to its practice written by a fully qualified Tantric Master. Based on a completely pure lineage of instruction and practice that dates back to Buddha himself, Tantric Grounds and Paths meets this need by providing a definitive manual for Tantric practitioners. With remarkable clarity and authority Geshe Kelsang presents a comprehensive guide to the four ...