Sri Matrkacakra Vivekah: Mantra Sastra of Kasmira, Revealing Secrets of Mantra’s Origin and Their Meaning on the Basis of Matrka Inscribed Sri Yantra Called Matrka Cakra
Price: $54.00 $60.00
Chaukhamba Surbharati Studies
Book: 22Author
1st. ed.
247p., 9.0 inch X 5.5 inch
When the great Siddha Sri Svatnatrandanatha was ordered by Lord Siva to correlate Matrkas (Sanskrta alphabet) with Yoga marga, he started doing so on the basis of Mahesvara sutras. Being failed to do, so he went into a cave of hill top called as Kankacala and started his penance by the result of which a Sri Yantra incarnated from sky and Siddha was able to understand this secret. The Siddha seer found that Matrkas are classified in four states called Jagrata or ...