Giriraj Shah

Showing all 19 books
Pioneers of police is such a vast subject that it is difficult to find out all the possible names, however, discreet the selection may be. It is impossible for anyone to find out relevant facts and claim to know everything that happened in the field, moreover, there hangs the danger of omitting those names whose natural modesty led them to remain in the background, because the real actors in the play appear in the stage casting a spell by this brilliant ...
Hijacking is not a recent phenomenon though the attention of the international community has been focused on it only after the hijacking of IC-814 from Kathmandu to Kandahar and now hijacking of four planes in America and subsequent attack on WTC and Pentagon. The first recorded incident of hijacking took place in 1930 when an aircraft which landed at an aerodrome in Peru was seized by army rebels who demanded to be flown to Chile. Since then several hundred ...
The sole aim of life is to live harmoniously with the universe and to being one with its eternal laws. A new face of international terrorism emerged with the recent violent attacks on America’s World Trade Center and Pentagon on 11 Sept. 2001. The suicide squad hijacked the planes and used them as bomb, collapsing the twin towers of WTC and partially damaging the Pentagon. The death toll being thousands of innocent people and property loss of thousands of ...
This book is based on the famed book titled "Yellow Scarf" authored by Lt. Gen. Franis Tucker. It gives an intimate account of the life and times of Maj. Gen. W.H. Sleeman better known as Thugee Sleeman who was appointed as incharge of Thugee and Anti Dacoity Department in 1829 and by 1836 he had totally eradicated the curse of Tuggery and Dacoity from India by sheer dint of his planning and meticulous execution of the operations. This book provides ...
India has always looked upon Tibet, "the roof of the world" with traditional reverence and an autonomous buffer state. For more than five centuries, the Chinese have attempted to subjugate Tibet, though with no success, till the huge People’s Liberation Army (PLA) finally overwhelmed the resistance put up by Tibetan chieftains and finally occupied in October 1950. As a result thereof the Dalai Lama and lakhs of Tibetans migrated to India as refugees ...
Forces, having a degree of military capability though not a branch of regular army are classified as paramilitary forces. Members of a paramilitary force receive basic military training and equipped with sophisticated firearms comparable to a regular army unit and are often integrated with country's armed forces. Paramilitary forces in India are under the direct control of Ministry of Home Affairs of Govt. of India. Currently, the Assam Rifles, Railway Protection ...