Abhidana Ratnamala popularly known as Shadrasa Nighantu is a Nighantu (Dictionary) of Synonyms of Drugs of all origins. As the work is divided into Six Skandas (chapters) based on the principle taste of the drugs it is so called as Shadras Nighantu. Author had given synonyms for the parts of the trees viz. root, bark, seed, leaf, etc. which are not normally included in other Nighantus. This book is popular in Andhra Pradesh in particular and South India in ...
Kucimara Tantra is an ancient text dealing mainly on protection and beautification of male and female genitalia along with other therapies like vasikaranam etc., which are not believed by the majority of the scientific population. This book also deals with few scientific descriptions relavant to present day needs. Probably, this is the ancient work dealing with Kanya Karanam, Dravikarnam etc. there are many prescriptions to promote enjoyment in ...