Gove Hambidge

Showing all 9 books
The book “Diseases and Parasites of Cattle” divided into 20 chapters: Brucellosis of Cattle; Johne’s Disease’ Bovine Mastitis; Blackleg; Shipping Fever or Hemorrhagic Septicemia; Milk Fever; Miscellaneous Diseases of Cattle; Cattle Coccidiosis; Cattle Tick Fever; Anaplasmosis: A Diseases of Cattle; Cattle Scab and Its Control; Tapeworm and Roundworm Parasites of Cattle; Bovine Genital Trichomoniasis; Cattle Grubs, or Heel Flies; The ...
The book "Diseases and Parasites of Dogs and Cats" divided into 11 chapters: 1. Rabies and Its Control; 2. Distemper of Dogs; 3. Feline Enteritis; 4. Miscellaneous Diseases of Dogs and Cats; 5. Internal Parasites of Dogs and Cats; 6. Mange of Dogs; 7. Ticks Affecting Dogs; 8. Fleas; 9. Running Fits (Fright Disease); 10. Non-Parasitic Skin Diseases of Dogs and Cats; 11. Nutritional Diseases of Dogs and Cats. Equally useful as a handy reference source for ...
The book "Disease and Parasites of Swine" divided into 12 chapters: 1. Hog Cholera; 2. Swine Erysipelas; 3. Enteritis of Swine; 4. Swine Infulenza; 5. Miscellaneous Diseases of Swine; 6. Brucellosis (Infectious Abortion) in Swine; 7. Mange of Swine; 8. Hog Lice; 9. Internal Parasites of Swine; 10. Trichinosis; 11. Salt Tolerance and Salt Poisoning & 12. Nutritional Diseases of Swine. Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of ...
The book "Diseases and Parasites of Horses & Mules" divided into 10 chapters: 1. Equine Encephalomyelitis; 2. Equine Infectious Anemia or Swamp Fever; 3. Periodic Ophthalmia of Horses; 4. Glanders; 5. Dourine; 6. Miscellaneous Diseases of Equines; 7. Internal Parasites of Horses and Mules; 8. Mange in Equines; 9. Horse Bots and Their Control & 10. Some Insect Pests of Horses and Mules. Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of ...
The book "Diseases and Parasites of Sheep and Goats" divided into 9 chapters: 1. Foot Rot of Sheep; 2. Sore Mouth of Sheep and Goats; 3. Miscellaneous Diseases of Sheep and Goats; 4. Internal Parasites of Sheep and Goats; 5. Sheep Scab and Its Control; 6. Sheep Ticks; 7. Goat Lice; 8. Pregnancy disease of Sheep & 9. Lunger disease of Sheep. Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of Veterinary courses and also for practicing ...
The book "Fundamentals of Disease and Insect control" divided into 11 chapters: 1. Losses Caused by Animal Diseases and Parasites; 2. Causes of Diseases; 3. Protective Mechanisms Against Disease; 4. The Endocrine Glands in Health and Disease; 5. The Relation of Genetics to Disease; 6. Artificial Insemination and Disease Control; 7. Disinfection and Disinfectants; 8. How Research Aids in Disease Control; 9. Origin and Spread of Important Insect Pests of ...
The book "Diseases and Parasites of Poultry" divides into 14 chapters: Pullorum Disease, Fowl Paralysis and Other Forms of the Avian Leukosis Complex, Respiratory Diseases of Chickens and Turkeys, Fowl Pox (Diphtheria), Psittacosis, Miscellaneous Diseases of Poultry, Internal Parasites of Poultry, Coccidiosis of the Chicken, Poultry Lice and Their Control, Poultry Mites, The Fowl Tick, Bedbugs as Pests of Poultry, The Pigeon Fly, Nutritional Diseases of ...