Govind Prasad

Showing all 9 books
Natural resources (economically referred to as land or raw materials) occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form. A natural resource is eften characterized by amounts of biodiversity existent in various ecosystems. Natural resources are derived from the environment. This is currently restricted to the environment of Earth yet the theoretical possibility remains of extracting them from outside the planet, ...
This book is an outcome of the collective endeavour of the scholars of Indian Association for Canadian Studies. It contains articles on socio-economic and political aspects concerning these two countries in the era of liberalization.
The research papers appeared in this volume are closely related to major concepts and issues of present day environmental management. The volume is divided in Part-A and Part B. Part A includes 7 chapters (chapter 1to 7) related to various research articles of environmental concepts while part B also incorporates 7 chapters (Chapter-8 to chapter 14) based on the research papers of environmental issues. This book will be useful for students/researchers, teachers ...
The intention of the present book entitled "Eco-tourism and Environmental Management" is to lay stress on the operating geomorphic processes and the assemblage of resultant landforms which have fascinated the Pachmarhi hills as an Eden of Bliss' and provided the nice balance of natural beauty for the development of tourism industry. Process and form are the synonym of topography and thus the topo-culture has been defined through quantitative techniques ...
Geomorphology is the study of science of landforms. Landforms are the product of the processes operating with the march of time. Following the classical work of Davis' landform is a function of structure, process and stage. Pioneer researches validate that the geologic structure plays dominant role in the evolution of landforms as a chief controlling factor. One can examine a classic scenery of different types of relief features and a multidimensional landform ...