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We live in a democratic society governed by a constitution and the rule of law. The legal system in a such a society is predicated on the assumption that all citizens, whatever their sex, race or religion, or their access, or lack of it, to wealth and power, are equal before the law and will receive equal and fair treatment by the law. To suggest that this is not true for any individual or social group is to question the every basis of our civil society, our ...
The environmental problem has already acquired global parameters. Environmental challenges are on a global scale, have global implications, and are becoming increasingly significant to all nations. Modern international environmental law dates to approximately 1972, when countries gathered for the United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment Programme was established. Since then, there has been a rapid rise in international legal instruments ...
The rule of law fundamental to any democratic order. In a free society each and every man lives under a rule of Law, as opposed to a whim-ridden rule of men. Respect for law is what distinguishes a civilized order from the primitive and the anarchist. The elements of a well functioning legal system ultimately depend on the culture context in which it operates. To be successful legal systems should provide access to all citizens requiring their services, operate ...
Fundamental Rights are rights which some hold to be “inalienable†and belonging to all human, according to natural law. There are rights necessary for freedom and the maintenance of a reasonable rights have evolved thought the centuries and its jurisprudence has become a concept of international importance. The fundamental rights embodied in the Indian constitution are guaranteed to all Indian Citizens. These civil liberties take precedence over any other law ...
The present publication is a research-oriented study of the alarming global Environmental Crime. Environmental Crime have a pretty long history evolving out of a need to project water supplies, soil fertility and human health in general, from the economic and social activities of man. There existed Laws such as Disraeli’s Rivers Act of 1876 in England and the findings of Royal Commission into Pollution in that country in the late 19th and early 20th century ...
In the present day society, the police and Judiciary occupy an important pace. Generally the victims of crime have many questions about the criminal justice system and their involvement in it. Victims may want to know the status of an investigation and how the police are handling the matter. Almost in all the states and territories, victims services and related assistance have been provided. The police have information about available community services. This ...