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Dalit Human rights and humanitarian law, once clearly distinguishable segments of international law, are increasingly being viewed in an integrated and holistic manner, where the individual has a continuum of protection under human rights law as well as that provided under humanitarian law, as warranted by the specific circumstances. There is a broad space for forging effective linkages between humanitarian assistance and human right programmes. The separate ...
It is widely felt that proper legislative measure, enacted and implemented in time, can save the Dalit from other caste. The need for dalit protection is an area which has been at the forefront of the social concern during last four decades globally. What is needed is a balance between dalit and law. An integration of the dalit and law is required at the policy planning in the constitutions. The Dalit in India is a old as our civilization and law. The caste-based ...
Since the days of yore, the social condition of the Dalits had been deplorable. They had to bear an insulting and low behaviour in the society. They were used as menials for the lowest type of work and per chance, if they happened to refuse to do any kind of work assigned to them, they were to get physical punishment. But with the change of time, there have been some social societies which have shown much interest and keenness to support the socio-economic cause ...