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The present lexicon explains the meaning and significance of ritualistic terms frequently occurring in the Srautasutras, together with a short description of the sacrificial rites connected or meant therewith. It is an outcome of the engagement of the author with the Srauta ritual for a very long time. He has not only a first hand knowledge of the texts but also a practical acquaintance with the subject acquired through participating in such sacrifices. Every ...
The Srauta Sutras form a very important unit of the Sutra Literature which lays down in brief the quintessence of the Vedic texts i.e. the Samhitas and the Brahmanas strengthening futher the Sacrificial tradition in India. As it is know worldwide, the sacrifivial tradition in India is based mainly on the oldest book of the human beings namely the Rgveda (RV) as also on the Yajurveda (YV) and the Samaveda (SV) which have developed a variety of recensions with ...