H K Bakhru

Showing all 14 books
All Children suffer from common illnesses. For young parents, the young mother in particular, they can be a cause for great anxiety. This book will give them the necessary information they need to look after their children when they are unwell. Use the alternative way to treat your child and keep the doctor at bay.
Naturopathy has taken rapid strides and gained significant acceptance in recent years. People are gradually realizing the limitations of allopathic drugs and traditional western medicine. As a result, they are now turning to natural medicines and methods to treat their ailments.In his book, Dr. H. K. Bakhru explains the details and benefits of a variety of natural therapies. He explains how natural food, natural elements, yoga and more generally, the observance ...
Cancer is a chronic degenerative disease, and has been prevalent since ancient times. It is the most dreaded disease and refers to all malignant tumour caused by the abnormal growth of a body cell or a group of cells. It is today the second largest killer in the world, next only to heart ailments.This book aims at providing detailed information about cancer; its symptoms, causes, types, and its diagnosis and treatments, both medical as well as natural. It ...
Diet Cure for Common Ailments covers the whole gamut of ailments which can be cured merely by proper food habits and regulation of one's life, without recourse to medicinal treatment. The book is based on the theories and fundamentals of nature cure that go to preserve health and vitality and regain these when lost. It will undoubtedly be a boon not only to laymen but also to nature cure practitioners as a reference guide because of its practical utility. ...
This book describes in great detail the medicinal virtues of different specific spices and condiments and their usefulness in the treatment of various common ailments.Spices and condiments are important forms of natural foods. However, besides having culinary uses, they are also utilized for natural healing purposes, perfumes, essential oils, edible restoratives and other components of spices provide significant benefits to human beings.'In Indian Spices and ...
This invaluable guide on natural foods is an exhaustive study on food values and gives the curative and natural benefits of all foods used in daily consumption. It is avaluable book of reference which not only helps you eat right but also helps you prevent major potential food related ailments. A must for all fitness freaks and others whocare about the nutritional value of the food they eat every day.
The book shows how herbs can act in almost magical ways, relieving pain, nervousness, constipation, colds, and allergies. The book covers 107 herbs and their medicinaluses. The first part of the book describes 66 herbs with strong healing powers. The second part describes the comparatively milder properties of 41 herbs. The names of theherbs have been arranged alphabetically, making the book comprehensive and useful.
There are over 50 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can keep you healthy and fit. Your body needs only small amounts of these vitamins and minerals. But because what the body manufactures is often not enough, these must be obtained from diet and from supplements. While most books provide limited information, this book shares complete information that you are ever likely to need about vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. A balanced diet is the most sensible ...
Ever had behavioral problems that adversely affected you or your dear one's health? The next time some common disease stares you in the face, the solutions are right here, at your finertips! Through Miracle Drugs in Natural Foods, discover which common natural herbs/foods can settle an upset stomach, symptoms of depression, etc. Now you can explore the magical world of these amazing natura lfoods based on the latest scientific studies.
Ever had behavioural problems that adversely affected you or your dear one's health? Healing Through Natural Foods covers the whole gamut of ailments which can be cured merely by proper food habits and regulation of one's life, without recourse to medicinal treatment. The book is based on the theories and fundamentals of nature cure that go to preserve health and vitality and regain these when lost. It will undoubtedly be a boon not only to laymen but ...