H.L. Sharma

Showing all 7 books
This book is an introductory. It presents the basic statistical methods that can be utilized for analysis and interpretation of data. It has been written primarily to suit the mediocre students. Eventually, the usual basic materials and methods included in the book is the output of the experience gained by the author while teaching in J.N. Agricultural University on various courses of statistics to graduate and post-graduate students. This book can serve as a ...
The present study is based primarily, on the Caraka-Samhita, Susruta-Samhita and other oldest available texts on Ayurveda. An attempt is made here to present a detailed account of some of the nonclinical aspects of Ayurvedic principles and applications of health care, with a special reference to rejuvenation as found in oldest Ayurvedic Texts. Incidentally, some general and specific problems regarding the identifications of medicinal plants are also discussed.
Ayurveda has its own characteristics. It dos not lay more emphasis on materialism like modern medical sciences. It rather emphasis purity of mind, thought and action. Since it is devoid of materialism, not mor is visible. It can only be felt, realized, sensed, perceived through experience only. Hence a lot depends on imagination and estimation which sometimes may go wrong as well. Hence, insight plays an important role in Ayurveda but today is a scientific era ...
This Practicals in Statistics has been written on the past experience of the author’s working in J.N. Agricultural University, Jabalpur (M.P.) where he has been since 1983. It presents the basic fundamentals of statistical methods that can be utilized for the anlaysis and interpretation of data which are given in the form of different practicals. It has been prepared primarily to suit the average students. Since this is a manual rather than a text ...