Showing all 6 books
The book has 17 chapters dealing with recent developments in physiological and molecular plant pathology: the entry and establishment of pathogen, physiological disorders during the infection, mechanism of multiplication of the pathogens in the host and destabilization of the biochemical machinery of the host. The book deciphers the response and reactions of the host plant at molecular level. The chapter on ‘Mechanism of Disease Resistance’ ...
Contents: 1. Polygalacturonase inhibiting proteins: Titanic players in Plant Immunity/Praveen Mamidala, Guguloth Mahesh Kumarand Appa Rao Podile. 2. Host-Pathogen interactions – Biochemical and Molecular insights to defense responses in plants with specail reference to Pearl Millet Downy Mildew/S. Niranjan-Raj, S. N. Lavanya, K. N. Amruthesh, S. R. Niranjana, and H. S. Shetty. 3. Molecular identification, recognition, cell defense responses and Agricultural ...
This book "Integrated Plant Pathology" covers about 14 chapters on all the latest emerging topics to wide choice such as molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions, genomics of phytopathogenic fungi, molecular genetics by phytopathogenic bacteria, bioinformatics mycotoxins, integrated disease management to rice production, integrated nematode management in oil seeds management of apple diseases, plant quarantine and microbial biopesticides in India; ...
In this volume the aim has been to cover issues related to variability, detection, breeding for resistance, eco-friendly management of diseases, regulatory, aspects and policy issues related to mycotoxins and pest risk analysis, and so also topics covering status of some economically important diseases, on the uses of ergots, etc. Having performed this exhaustive and uphill task the editors realized that the forth coming ARPP volume should include articles on ...
Contents: 1. Phytopathogenic fungi: from gene-for-gene to genomics/A. Pain, A.K. Dhar and C. Chattopadhyay. 2. Integrated disease management as a holistic approach to rice production/K. Muralidharan and C.S. Reddy. 3. Biology, epidemiology and management of apple leaf spot diseases - a review/J.N. Sharma, Ravinder Kumar and L.N. Bhardwaj. 4. Pathogenesis-related proteins in plant defence/B.N. Chakraborty and M. Sharma. 5. Integrated nematode management in ...