Showing all 3 books
Impudent and irresistible, Charandas is a thief with a difference. Having vowed never to lie, he manages to keep his word while robbing the rich blind. A typical folk hero, streetsmart and savvy, he runs rings around the forces of law and order till he comes up against one wall he cannot scale" his own commitment to the truth. And the unexpected twist at the end of this heartwarming comedy lifts the play onto another plane. This play by veteran ...
Each of the playwrights in this collection takes a folktale and turns it into a contemporary experimental play, intervening in the traditional material and reshaping conventions from an urban perspective. Although the folk and rural element remain embedded in the body of the narratives, it is interesting to note the shifts and intersections which occur in the process of rendering folklore as a present-day performative text. Jokumaraswami by leading Kannada ...
Hirma Dev, the messianic and headstrong ruler of a tribal state called Titur Basna, comes into direct conflict with a state determined to replace the traditional tribal way of life with so-called democratic developmental ideas. This gives rise to a sustained struggle between the adivasis and a host of officials, with disastrous results. Based on a historical occurrence, this is nevertheless an urgently contemporary tale which highlights the process of ...