Showing all 6 books
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has to think differently. It needs to view ‘BPO’ as Businesses, People and Opportunities. It has to think beyond mere ‘cost’ arbitrage to achieve, what has been called ‘intellectual’ arbitrage, which addresses questions like “How do we get a far better business outcome for the same price?†instead of “doing it more cheaply in different parts of the world?†The book leaves a thought with the reader; ...
Business outsourcing has become a business necessity to those organizations who aim to maximize their shareholders' wealth by outsourcing a part of the business process to a third party. It deals with the issues related to BPO strategy and highlights the trends in this industry. Interviews with Indian industry leaders are also given here. This book will be of particular interest and use to practicing professionals in the BPO industry, academia, researchers and ...
Can villages be transformed? Examining rural transformation, the book explores policy initiatives, health and education, agriculture and examples of implementation. It looks into rural employment programs, financial institutions, GIS and distance learning to boost health and education efforts, and agricultural reforms. Included are initiatives of FAO, and cases drawn from Indian and overseas scenarios.
Microfinance received global media attention after the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 was won by Bangladesh’s Dr Mohammed Yunus, the architect of Grameen Bank. Microfinance helps the poor save, link their savings with credit and become self-employed. In India, government, banks and NGOs develop microfinance. This book presents a comprehensive view of its basic concepts and social perspective, and describes people's experiences. This book will be useful to ...
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), also referred to as civil-society organizations (CSOs) or not-for-profit organizations (NPOs), generally dedicated to a civic cause, channelise their resources in addressing the chosen cause for the ultimate benefit of the society. This book addresses all aspects regarding the role of NGOs and how they can be more accountable and highlights the use of ERP packages to enhance financial transparency and accountability of NGOs. ...
For India to become developed and prosperous, each of its villages must be transformed. The key issues under discussion here are rural infrastructure and micro-finance. Sanitation, drinking water supply, roads, land and housing, and agricultural infrastructure, among others as well as the role of micro-finance in our nation-building exercise, empowering rural India are discussed.