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In Friendship and In Conversation People Should Be Equally Discriminating. Their Are Certain Men and Women-All Too Many-Who, By An Arrogant Air Of Certainty, A Scornful Refusal to Admit the Possibility Of Their Being In Error, A Contemptuous Dismissal Of the Opinions Of Those Who Happen to Disagree With the Conclusions They Have Accepted Or Formed, Are Generally Considered Clever, Original, Even Profound, Thinkers.
Chaucer is the poet who is a bridge between the dark ages and the light ages of the Renaissance and modernity. He voices in his poetry all those problems which haunt the modern society--the problem of corruption and the ways of the world. It is with Chaucer that there comes an end of the old period and the great literature of the modern England begins. He becomes the herald of the new time. In going through The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales we come across a ...
Reservoirs are a major, and for several countries an expanding, water resource which is very diverse both in terms of size and fisheries potential. They range from small water bodies with productive culture based fisheries to expansive reservoirs with variable and often low fish production.
These ecosystems offer enough scope for stock manipulation through ecological maneuvering, paving the way for production hikes at a relatively low capital investment. Unlike, ...
The word 'Islam' means submission or the total surrender of oneself to God (Allah). An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning "one who submits ". There are between 1 billion and 1.8. billion Muslims, making Islam the second largest religion in the world. Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the five pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community. In addition to the ...
Literature may be Romantic or Classical. The poet may have romantic strains in him; he may equally have some classical strains. Strangely enough Keats has both the elements--the romantic and the classical. Romanticism in literature suggests a tendency where the poet is subjective and he tries to create beauty which is mysterious and uncommon. Classical poet is orderly, familiar and significant. The romantic poet is subjective while the classical is objective. The ...