Govind wanted a bicycle very badly. Asleep or awake he dreamt of getting one for himself. If he had a bicycle, he would go for picnics with his friends on it; he could cross Neera River on it! In his desperatation to lay his hands on a bicycle, he gave some money to Chinnen, who later said he knew nothing about it! Not only had Govind lost the hope to get a bicycle, but he had also lost the 10 rupees he gave to Chinnen. But there was a surprise waiting for ...
Ayurveda is the name the ancient Indians gave to their science of medicine. Ayuh means life and veda means to know. Ayurveda, therefore is the science by which life can be prolonged or its nature understood. The book, simple in style, tells in detail about this indigenous science and its importance which is being realized now all over the country.