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Fungi and microbes have predominant influence in our lives. They are directly or indirectly involved in generating the food we eat and drink, besides providing life saving pharmaceutical products, including the sources of enzymes. They play a vital role in recycling of organic matter and several ecological processes. Both fungi and microbes have contributed several billion dollars worth of technological products. For instance: yeast is used in brewing and bakery, ...
Contents: 1. Polygalacturonase inhibiting proteins: Titanic players in Plant Immunity/Praveen Mamidala, Guguloth Mahesh Kumarand Appa Rao Podile. 2. Host-Pathogen interactions – Biochemical and Molecular insights to defense responses in plants with specail reference to Pearl Millet Downy Mildew/S. Niranjan-Raj, S. N. Lavanya, K. N. Amruthesh, S. R. Niranjana, and H. S. Shetty. 3. Molecular identification, recognition, cell defense responses and Agricultural ...
This volume is the outcome of the various papers presented and discussed during the National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Mycology, Plant Pathology and Microbial Biotechnology", organised by the Department of Botany, Osnania university, Hyderabad. Microorganisms Omnipresent and cosmopolitan in nature, represents bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, algae, protozoans etc. There exists a great diversity among various microorganisms and even within a group ...
During the recent years great advances have been made in nearly all fields of plant sciences. Frontiers in Plant Sciences is an attempt to bring all these widely different aspects together in one volume. The present volume contains wide ranging articles on taxonomy of fungi, microbial ecology and applied microbiology (including aerobiology, mycorrhizae, soil rhizosphere, microflora and biological control of plant diseases). Algae, an aquatic angiosperm, have also ...