I Sundar

28 books
Bioeconomics is a theory of economic exploitation of living resources, dealing with two dynamic systems: population dynamics and the dynamics of economic systems. Bioeconomics therefore leans on two traditional university disciplines, biology and economics. Bioeconomics consists of a deep interpretation of economic knowledge with knowledge not only of our air and water but also all living things residing in it, plants, animals and humans including their thoughts ...
This book deals with Ecological and Evolutionary Sociology. It is an interdisciplinary approach of studying human adaptation to ecosystem and evolutionary development of human society and culture. This book imparts knowledge about human ecosystem and ecological perspectives in human society. This book covers the knowledge on bioecological model and its relevance to human society. This book examines the structure and composition of urban ecosystem. It spells out ...
The volume deals with various aspects of medical social work. Beginning with the nature and scope of social work and delving into the inter-disciplinary approach to health and medicine that is needed, it discusses theoretical and practical aspects of social work. It takes up psycho-social theories of health behaviour, medical social theory, and theoretical aspects of social epidemiology. It looks into history of public health, organisation and structuring of ...
The book deals with the importance of globalisation for development, pointing out that globalisation has brought on new opportunities for developing countries though it has also thrown up new challenges like growing inequality in society, volatility in financial market and environmental deterioration. It first explains the concept and meaning of globalisation. It then takes up different scenarios and areas with respect to globalisation for detailed study: capital ...
Environmental sociology is typically defined as the study of societal-environmental interactions, although this definition immediately presents the perhaps insolvable problem of separating human culture from the rest of the environment. Although the focus of the field is the relationship between society and environment in general, environmental sociologists typically place special emphasis on studying the social factors that cause environmental problems, the ...
Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with the formal comparison of costs and consequences of health care. One of the seminal papers in this field was written by Neuhauser and Lweicki, who in 1975 applied a rule of diminishing returns to predict that the cost per cancer death prevented by the sixth in a series of six repeated fecal occult blood tests exceeded one million dollars. Health economics uses mathematical models to synthesise data from ...
Forests are nature’s most bountiful and versatile renewable resource, providing simultaneously a wide range of economic, social, environmental and cultural benefits and services. The worldwide demand for their numerous functions and outputs is increasing with the expanding population, while the global forest resource is shrinking either as a result of overharvesting, deforestation and permanent conversion to other forms of land use in many tropical regions, ...
Given the complexity of economic and environmental interactions underlying the climate change issue, no one model can address all of the questions surrounding a climate change economic analysis.The review conducted by a distinguished international panel of scientist under the auspices of the intergovernmental panel on Climate Change has determined that "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate". As economists, we ...