Igen B.

Showing all 14 books
The story of Rama-The Life saga of Vishnu Incarnate Rama, The Man Supreme, the embodiment of the lofty principles of life. Rama gave the message of sacrifice and love.
No one wants slavery. That is why Freedom is our birthright slogan was raised when the British were trying to prove that the only thing that Indians deserved was foreign rule to guide their destiny. This freedom struggle got divided into two camps. One camp was following the principle of non-violence while the other was advocating the use of force and militancy. The latter camp wanted to pay the British in their own coin. But it was frought with dangers. The ...
Maharana Pratap is the brightest symbol of pride and honour. A warrior king he was who fought to the last to safeguard his dignity and freedom. He deservingly became an icon of Rajput valour. For freedom he waged such heroic battles that the valleys of Mewar hills of Rajasthan still reverberate with the echoes of the hoof sounds of his legendary horse Chetak. The air still carries the shimmer of his flashing sword. His bravery in the battle field is a shining ...
Bhagwan Mahavir - A Postle of Non-Violence - 24th Teerthankar of Jain Faith. Spot light on the aspects of the life of the 24th Tirthankar of Jain faith that gave wider and extensive meaning to non-violence.
Vishnu is the physical form of Abstract god Supreme. He is the provider of all. He is death for those who trouble his faithful against the norms of the creation. He takes incarnation to establish the rule of dharma. According to Puranas Vishnu is destined for 10 incarnations. His incarnations of Rama and Krishna are the most famous. On these two incarnations is based entire Hindu culture. Rama is Man Supreme. Krishna is Man Miracles. The sages say that the ...
VEER KARNA-The valiant son of Kunti who battled with his brothers to uphold the sanctity of friendship.
This book is our endeavour to present the spectacular deeds of Lord Krishna in a nutshell with attractive pictures. The aim is to familiarize the young generation with the pillars of our thoughts, beliefs, ideals and our prides to inspire them to have due respect for our won culture and proud past. Your reactions to this effort of ours are welcome.
Shiva without power in non-Shiva. The Hindu philosophy believes the power to be a feminine energy because inspite of a female being a symbol of love, mercy and compassion she becomes dangerously ferocious to defend her young ones. In Vedic mantras, the mother is the prime god. Mother not only crates a child from her body and energizes but becomes the biggest and the most effective teacher of her child to mould his future. When gods take incarnations they respect ...
The compassion for others makes one a great man. The books of the wisdom say that the tress bear fruit for others, the rivers carry water for others, similarly the great souls are born for the benefit of others and to redeem the mankind. This book treasures the life stories of three such great souls who delivered the contemporary societies from social evils and the religious tyrannies to show each a new path that led to a new world of understanding, love and ...
Guru Nanak Dev- He Preached Faith in Truth, One God and Equality of All Humans. The holy saga of the true Messiah who led the masses out of the darkness of castism, communalism, exploitation, evil customs, dogmatism and social injustices.
Bhagat Singh is one of the few legends created by the freedom struggle of India. His story is so well known and famous that it has launched so many movies and T V serials. He was a character that lent respectability to the militancy against the British. Bhagat’s story is so inspiring and amazing that every youth of every generation of this country must read it to know what kind of idealist youth our country has produced. It also reveals for what objectives the ...
Bhakt Prahlada-The Divine Saga of a Vishnu Devotee Boy who didn't yield to the Atrocities of his Father.
Puranas propound that noble deeds can lift a man to the level of divinity. The erosion or depreciation of the credit of deeds again pushes one down to the mortal level to take birth again as a human. So gods too are prone to frailties like jealousy, back-biting scheming, ego clashes and cheating like ordinary earthlings. Sometimes their stories make such a pathetic reading that one naturally tends cynically to suspect the truth of their divine qualities. ...