Indu Grover

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Technologies for rural homes and communities, edited by Patricia Goldey and Indu Grover, is a highly timely and valuable book which is based on field studies and situations. The chapters are authored by senior faculty working in universities and organizations of repute in India and abroad. The book is divided into three sections viz. Time and energy saving technologies, micro level income generation technologies, water and waste management technologies.
The book Gender Analysis in Agriculture : Grassroot Realities is a compilation of research studies covering a wide gamut of gender analysis and gender roles in agriculture viz. access and control of farm resources, gender roles, employment of women, ownership of resources, wage differentials, agrarian crisis and management, multiple work load and occupational health hazards, etc. along with in depth analysis of inter-gender relationships and interventions.
The ...
The book is concerned with the question of empowerment with special reference to dairy cooperatives societies. It profiles the gender of dairy cooperative members, the resource support system available for them, factors affecting participation of people in dairying, members' involvement in dairying operations, impact of dairying on quality of life and constraints faced by members. Based on field studies, it observes that a majority of the members are landless or ...
The book on, empowerment of women has eighteen chapters. It begins with an extract of speach of P.M. on launch of women empowerment year on January, 4, 2001. This is followed by the National Policy for Empowerment of Women 2001, and a chapter each on the empowerment of women a social process and measuring gender empowerment. The chapters IV to XII are based on individual research studies and cover aspects of empowering women through financial assistance schemes, ...
The book on, Women in Agricultural Development has nineteen chapters that deal with a number of issues, practices, technologies, experiments and strategies in the context of rural women and development. The book is divided into two sections. The first section on, technologies and practices has eight chapters dealing on issues of technology generation, gender analysis of knowledge and adoption level, drudgery perception, acceptability of drudgery reducing ...
Since independence, the Government of India's policies for women's development have evolved in emphasis, from an initial welfare oriented approach to the current focus on development and empowerment. Empowerment of women is a primary object of the tenth plan. Women can be the primary agents for empowering individuals to transform society. They alone can inculcate in their children the self-esteem and respect for others essential for the advancement of ...
Foreword. Preface. About the book. About the author. 1. Empowerment process and approaches. 2. Entrepreneurship, leadership and allied concepts. 3. Feminism and gender: analytical and development tools. 4. Women development and empowerment: international perspective. 5. Women development and empowerment: Indian perspective. 6. Status, profile and policies of women development and empowerment: Indian perspective. 7. Schemes, institutes, programmes of women ...
The book focuses on the penetration and impact of Science and Technology in Rural Homes in general and women in particular. The investigation has been undertaken in Haryana, a state that is on a fast track of development. The study provides valuable insights to the use of indigenous and modern technologies, scientific temper, knowledge and adoption behaviour of rural households towards various household technologies, indepth analysis of accelerators and barriers ...