Showing all 3 books
Homeopathic potencies may be safe or may have a negligible side-effect in potencies above 6th but definitely it is not safe at 3x and lower potencies of many drugs. Any product is useful if it is used within its useful limits. The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research in India and the Pharmacologists associated with different institutes and Universities in India and abroad has done a wealth of work worthy of appreciation. The author's have looked at ...
The compilation of this 3 volume encyclopedia has evolved over the last 10 years; and, therefore it has all the latest proven drugs. It contains percolations of the leading Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeias of the world. Universal appeal: Apart from the pharmacological name of the drug, the drug is also named according to botanical, zoological, Spanish, German, French, English, Indian, Latin or common names. Contain about 1860 monographs of homoeopathic drugs in ...