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This book explores the process of knowledge production in and about South Asia during the late medieval and early modern periods. Disseminated through the global networks of the early modern Portuguese empire (16th-18th centuries), this process was inextricably connected to the expansion of Catholicism and was geared to perpetuate political ambitions and cultural imaginary of the early modern Catholic protagonists and their communities in South Asia and beyond. ...
Scholarship on the Jesuit missionaries in Indian has recently become a less occult and partisan historiographical field. It is no more an apologetic project, nor a spiteful critique popular among the 19th century Protestant scholars and missionaries. Why studying Jesuit sources? Because they are a window into early modern and modern Indian and global history. When analyzed criically, these sources provide a different perspective on various actors, events and ...
Disputed Mission offers a fresh perspective on the social and cultural laboratories that were Jesuit missions in pre-colonial South India. Without Portuguese military support confined to Goa and other trade enclaves along the east and west coast of India, the missionaries in the heart of Tamil country, found themselves trapped under the jurisdiction of the local kings—such as the Nakaka of Madurai-with very little space for political proselytizing manoeuvring, ...