Ishrat Husain Ansari

Showing all 15 books
Alphabrtically arranged titbits, hints and ever full fledged biograpahical notes of the personalities given here have basically been culled from different periodicals, magazines, proceedings and journals over the years. They hail from different hues of life and disciplines of learning and education prevalent in our society. Details about certain cities. towns and evev villages and at times evev countries and dynasties and techinal and other terms of interest may ...
The present book is an English translation of a classical Pesian work on the Sufis of India of Hamid b Dazlullah Jamail entitled Siyar-ul-'Arifin based on its Manuscript preserved in the Library of the Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow and its comparative study with the Urdu translation of this work published by Muhammad Ayyub Qadri. It is not only an extensively quoted work but also one of the works which has basically been utilised by most of the later writers writing on ...
Sayyid Nuhammad bin Mubarak bin Muhammad bin Mahmood Kirmani, a successor of Hazrat Khwaja Nizam-ud-din Awliya, wrote Siyar-ul-awliya that describes the Mashaikhs (spiritual guides) of the Chishtiyah silsila (chain). This volume presents a translation of this work in English. The book deals with successorship of the spiritual guides,, initiation of the successor, aspects regarding cleanliness and etiquette, dress, eating and other habits of the men of tasawwuf. ...
There are a number of chains of dissemination of sufism but the one veering around mostly the acts, doings and approvals of Prophet Muhammad Sallallalo 'Alaihai wa Sallum is Naqshbandiya-Mujaddidiya silsila.
The present book traces the origin and dissemination of the Naqshbandiya-Mujaddidya silsila of Sufism right from Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Raz.), through Khwaja Baha-ud-din Naqshband and Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Sani and their spiritual guides and successors ...
Utterances and teachings of a Sufi saint of the Chishti order.