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Library education has acquired a new status and image in the scheme of colleges and higher education. With this new image the status and importance of a librarian have acquired a new dimension. It has become highly obligatory for a librarian to acquire skills of decision making and assume democratic leadership. If a librarian organises his library well and is successful in managing the information resources, library science is able to fulfil its new obligations. ...
The present title Tribal Education, Administration and Development in three volumes is a descriptive analysis of modern education, administration and development among tribals. First volume "Tribal Education in India" throws light on modern education system among the Indian tribes and its impact on their traditional educational institutions i.e. Abors-Mosup, Kuki Zwalbuk, Naga-Morung, Garo-Nokpanti, Oraon-Dhumkuria, Mund-Giti or Gitiora, Gond-Ghotul, ...
The present title in two volumes is a comprehensive study of tribal ethnicity and evolution of tribal eco culture. First volume deals with the theory, concept and dimension of culture, cultural interaction between tribes and non-tribes and its impact on socio-economic life. Second volume gives a critical analysis of identification of tribal ethnicity, social contact and cultural interaction in changing scenario, myths of tribes and tribalism and evolution of ...
The development of libraries has become a very complex and important phenomena in the information dominated society of today. For India to become a major world power, its information system has to go a radical change. In this book an attempt has been made to draw the attention of the readers, researchers and educational planners and administrators to the complex and
interdependent role of the library science. It is difficult to say that library science in India ...