Showing all 5 books
While Learning & practicing Homoeopathy every Homoeopathy always felt that We should have knowledge appears so simple, but in reality it is very difficult to understand about the modern approach of Homoeopathy, it's importance is todays Life so we tried our level best to write this book in simple & lucid language to understand you very easily. This book is very useful for all of us to understand the basic ideas of modern Homoeopathy. I have tried to ...
Textbook of Applied Materia Medica books of therapeutics are available in the market but no book is available with applied materia medica as per system-wise therapeutics. This book contains medicines covering therapeutic and applied aspects arranged in a systemized manner. The medicines affecting various systems are very vast and this covers the syllabus of B.H.M.S. and P.G. courses in Homoeopathy. Here the author with his deep knowledge in the subject of ...
The simplicity has made this book more clearly understandable, as it covers the topics taking into the consideration the developing rather than a developed one. No book can be a substitute for another, but this book will provide a better understanding of the subject. This book will be useful for all medical graduates.
This book contains the basic concepts of Materia Medica like: how to study materia medica, different types of materia medica, building & construction of materia medica, sources of homoeopathic materia medica, different approaches to study materia medica, scope & limitations of materia medica, groups of homoeopathic drugs, different types of constitutions, relationship of the drugs, drug action, different routes and principles of drug administration, ...