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This unique work in four volumes by J.G. Frazer, the renowned anthropologist, provide encyclopaedic knowledge about the social advancement of the primitive savage from the crudest form of religion described by social scientists as Totemism to the present day enlightened forms of religion. The four volumes provide what may be taken as a corpus of Totemism and Exogamy the two earliest institutions of primitive man. In a thought-provoking introduction in this ...
Before Joseph Campbell became the world’s most famous practitioner of comparative mythology, there was Sir James George Frazer. The Golden Bough was originally published in two volumes in 1890, but Frazer became so enamored of his topic that over the next the next few decades he expanded the work sixfold, then in 1922 cut it all down to a single thick edition suitable for mass distribution. The thesis on the origins of magic and religion that it elaborates ...
The study of sociology regularly involves a re-reading of the classics of the discipline, and this collection makes available some of the most important early texts for re-evaluation. The early twentieth century was a crucial period of development for the emerging discipline of sociology. The primary focus during this period was on various aspects of society. Each of the volumes collected here contributes to our understanding of the importance of religion. The ...