J K Singh

Showing all 12 books
The production of Mushrooms is a major, world-wide, highly mechanized process. Healthy crops are essential if yields, quality and profitability are to be maintained. This book covers the recognition, biology and control of pests and diseases which are a major cause of crop losses. Up-to-date and intensely illustrated, Mushroom and Disease Control fully explores the important aspects of pest and disease control. From changes in the management of pest and pathogen ...
Small-scale mushroom production represents an opportunity for farmers interested in an additional enterprises and is a speciality option for farmers without much land. This publication is designed for market gardeners who want to incorporate mushrooms into their systems and for those farmers who want to use mushroom cultivation as a way to extract value from woodlot thinnings and other "waste" materials. Mushroom production can play an important role in ...
Rapid expansion in the media industry in India has taken place in a big way. Several new Newspapers and Magazines have come into being. Electronic media also have surged forward. Along with print journalism, Radio and Television have also started expanding. The concept of mass communication has "arrived" in the real Sense of the term. Research in the media issues has also started emerging, and social scientists have found media to be a rich field to be ...
Potential losses of major world crops to pests, diseases and weeds have been estimated at approximately 70%. However, the actual losses are approximately 30% due to efficient crop protection practices. The increase in human population density and the subsequent demand for meat are predicted to cause crop production to double in the next four or five decades. To achieve this objective, an improvement or at least maintenance of crop protection efficacy against ...
Contents:V. 1. News reporting and editing; V. 2. Information technology in journalism; V. 3. Media and public relations; V. 4. Mass communication and its digital transformation; V. 5. Media and journalism; V. 6. Modern journalism; V. 7. Multimedia journalism; V. 8. Textbook of mass communication.
Communication in its simplest sense is a human relationship involving two or more persons who come together to share, to dialogue and to commune, or just to be together say at a festival or a time of mourning. Communication is thus not so much an act or even a process but rather social and cultural togetherness. Communion with oneself, with God, nature, the world of spirits and with one’s ancestors are also form of communication, ...
A Professional Journalist is easily identified, he is on the pay roll of a Journal, he reports for his paper or he may write features for editorials or edit copy. He is known by different names -reporter, feature writer, special correspondent, sub editor, Assistant editor, sports editor, city editor, commercial editor and the news editor. Primarily it is a professional for the man trained to do the particular job in the complex business of bringing out a journal. ...
Forests play important role in combating desertification, preventing erosion problems, other protective functions, climatic change acting as carbon reservoirs and sinks. Forests, the biodiversity they contain and the ecological function they maintain, are a heritage of mankind. The vital role of forests in protecting fragile ecosystems, watersheds and freshwater reservoirs and as storehouses of rich biodiversity should be recognized. Forests contain not only ...
The First Five Year Plan in April 1951 laid the foundation of planned economic development in India and initiated a process of development of the country, aiming at raising the living standard of the masses, reducing the disparities of income and wealth in the country and making opportunities available for a richer and more varied life. During the fifty-seven years of planned economic development, the country has moved forward and there has been a ...