J.L. Gupta

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The hallmark of India was the power and profundity of her mind the purity of her soul. Indian sages have already designed a perfect way to attain elevation of mind & move towards truth through a comprehensive system of Yoga. Yoga offers a methodology to understand our self better on all levels. Including our physical well being, the thought process, emotions & desires. The Yoga aspirant can bring out the best in his personally by creating unison in ...
Hindi is the official language of Indian Union and quite a few states. it is, therefore, natural that more and more use of this language for all official purposes is being emphasized. The main object of this dictionary is to provide with a ready reference book of all technical terms and usages that are necessary for the administrative and legislative wings of the government. Though the dictionary has been compiled and edited keeping in view the immediate need of ...
The fair sex constitutes about fifty percent population of the world. Through the centuries she has been evolving her own full-fledged development facing the uncountable challenges in the form of several afflictions largely from the male sex, In India, as history reveals and it is conspicuously observed in the contemporary society, the afflictions of the fair sex have been illiteracy, widowhood, Bride burning, sati, child marriage, rape, dowry, sexual harassment ...
A Journey to Lake Mansarovara is an attempt to acquaint the readers with the lake mansarovara, the place of much reverence and attraction due to its several unique qualities and scenic beauties. The present book is reproduction of the duly edited story of an adventurous journey undertaken by the author (narrator) himself to the lake mansarovara. To start with a band of three persons sets out on journey with good and pious motives to explore the unique and ...
It is a treatise of Tantrayoga of paramount importance which incorporates a vast area of study relating to spiritual practices of this unique discipline. The work not merely lays emphasis at the prime end of human life i.e. emancipation, but it very systematically outlines the inherent spiritual aspects of Tantrayoga which are also required for the development of both psyche and physique of the aspirant. It virtually teaches the practice of spiritual evolution in ...
Life is beautiful, divine and a constant celebration. Yoga, for our life, has been a potent power for the spiritual regeneration of people right from the days of yore. As a complete scientific guide, Yoga is designed for all who seek a full, happy and purposeful life. The discipline and training of Yoga embraces the body, the mind and the spirit. The perfection of body helps in the perfection of mind, mental efficiency is used to attain higher spiritual ...
Sanctity is the very foundation of Indian life. The etiology of the maladies today, including the deteriorating environment, stems from the erosion of purity. When the entire social fabric is put into danger due to impurity, the fact of unveiling the splendour of the human person lies at the core of spirituality that is instrumental through Yoga-Sadhana. The Yoga-practices, the spiritual discipline and techniques of meditation enable an aspirant to attain the ...
Every Jiva is an integral part of the Paramatman, but this identity is veiled by ignorance (Maya/Avidya), and the Individual self appears separate from the supreme Self. Siva Samhita is a fundamental book of yoga, which delineates the process by which this sense of separateness is eliminated and the Jivatman regains his oneness with the Paramatman. The science of Yoga revealed here by Lord Siva includes many disciplines of power and realisation-like the practice ...
The sacred land of India is the only place in the whole world that has devoted all its talents in a concentrated effort to seek the Truth. As the prime aim of life is to yoke oneself to the Holy Spirit, i.e., the Supreme Consciousness, Hindi scriptures enlighten us on the various ways of doing it. Yoga is a unique spiritual discipline to discover the path of Eternal Truth. The practice of Yoga is a pre-requisite to purify the inner system, the heart and the mind. ...