J.L.N. Sastry

Showing all 13 books
Madanpala Nighantu is one of the most important lexicons of ayurveda on which no translation is attempted in the past four decades. Madanapala Nighantu is the connecting link between the early nighantu works like Dhanvantari Nighantu and the modern nighantu works like Bhavaprakasa Nighantu. Owing to this importance, it is being translated along with extensive English commentary for the first time. The author did provide the antecedence of each of the herbs basing ...
Cancer is one of the biggest challenges of human kind and medical research. Herbal and traditional remedies are being screened world-wide for their anticancerous properties. Often Cancer is referred as Arbuda of Ayurvedic Literature. However most of the drugs recently screened as anti-cancerous, were not indicated in Arbuda in the ancient texts. Therefore, an attempt is made to introduce what cancer is in Ayurveda. On the other hand ...
The fundamental principles of Ayurveda advocate prevention first and cures next. This slogan is true and essential in case of heart diseases. This text lucidly explains the indigenous methods for the prevention of heart diseases. Modern medical science could understand the body more, mind less and soul nil. Where as Ayurveda emphasizes the need of spirituality in the management of health. Role of Atma and Manas are explained in a more scientific way in this work ...
There is no complete text in English on dravyaguna in accordance with CCIM syllabus. Earlier some attempts were made by H.V. Savnur and Moss in English. Still a comprehensive English text is in demand. With this background, the author has decided to prepare a unique text on fundamental concepts of dravyaguna as well as on drugs in English. This will be useful to the under graduate as well as the post-graduate students of Ayurveda. At the same time practitioners ...
This book extensively covers the classical indications, properties and therapeutic utility of each herb. Whenever there is some controversy, clear view of th author along with scientific as well as classical explanations/evidences is provided. On the other hand, the morphological, pharmacognostical, phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical studies are discussed in detail in the context of each herb. Another important aspect of this work is ...
Dravya Gunas (properties of herbs) are compiled as Sutras (phrases) in this work. Hence, named Dravyaguna Sutramala. Through this work the art of learning the properties of herbal drugs is being reintroduced into Ayurvedic curriculum. The complicated and elaborate Sanskrit verses (Sloka) on herbs are reorganized in to simple and precise single line phrases (Sutra). The book is first of its kind in learning Dravyaguna through simple Sanskrit phrases. This book ...
This book deals with the important animal products and foods prescribed in Ayurvedic material media. The modern perspective of the respective drugs and foods is also provided. Emphasis on the need of animal products like Kasturi (musk) Puti (civet), Agnijara (amber) etc is laid while expressing the need for careful collection methods without sacrificing any animal. The scientific background for the classification of foods in the ancient Ayurvedic texts is ...
This text is first of its kind as it covered the treatment as per the chronology of diseases described in Madhava Nidana. This text precisely covers the treatment part on the basis of Cikitsa Sutras (line of treatment) given in different texts. Lucid compilation is made covering the Samanya Cikitsa (general line of treatment) & Viseasa Cikitsa (general line of treatment) & Visesa Cikitsa (specific line of treatment) of all the 69 chapters of ...
Though the subject Vajikarana is the most sought for branch of Ayurveda, there is no published (exclusive) work on Vajikarana so far. Vajikarana is often promoted/pronounced as Sexual Medicine or Sexology. This text for the first time, conceptualized the theme 'Vajikarana Tantra' vis a vis 'Reproductive Medicine'. This text covers both male and female perspectives of Vajikarana tantra. Most importantly, several references about the utility of Vajikarana Cikitsa ...
This is the final/fifth volume of dravyagunvijnana series written by the author. This volume covers Vedic herbs, controversial herbs and ignored medicinal plants. The subject matter in each chapter is arranged in English alphabetical order for herbs. About 700 Vedic herbs, 60 controversial herbs and 200 ignored herbs are dealt in this volume. A glossary of Sanskrit terms and their meanings is provided at the end of the text. Index on Sanskrit terms and ...