44 books
The Rgveda, the oldest literary record of the Aryan race and the sacred book of the Hindus, has very few authentic translations in English. Most of the translations are only the imitations of interpretations which the mediaeval Hindus, as represented by Sayana, have offered. Griffith`s is the only translation which, though guided by Sayana, ventures to deviate from him widely and frequently. It may be ranked as an independent translation hitherto made in English. ...
The Purana is a class of literature that treats of ancient religion, philosophy, history, sociology, politics and other subjects. It is an Encyclopaedia of various branches of knowledge and ancient wisdom. It has been defined as a class of literature that contains material on the topics of Creation, Dissolution of Manus, Ages of Manus, Genealogies and the History of glorious kings. For dealing primarily with these subjects it has been called Pancalaksana – ...
The present volume contains Lingapurana Part I in English translation. It is the fifth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology.
The project of the Series was envisaged and financed in 1970 A.D. by Shri Sunderlal Jain, the veteran interprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading proprietor Messers Motilal Banarsidass. Hitherto six volumes of the series (that is, four vols. of the Sivapurana and two vols. ...
The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part I (Skandhas 1-3) in English translation. It is the seventh in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the series was envisaged and financed in 1970 by Shri Sundarlal Jain, the veteran enterprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading partner Messrs Motilal Banarsidas. Hitherto seven Volumes of the series (that is, four Vols of Siva ...
The Present volume contains Lingapurana Part II in English translation. It is the sixth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the Series was envisaged and financed in 1970 A.D. by Shri Sundarlal Jain, the veteran interprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading proprietor Messers Motilal Banarsidass. In this project six volumes of the series (that is, four vols. Of the Sivapurana and two vols. Of ...
The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part II (Skandhas 4-6) in English translation. It is the eighth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the series was envisaged and financed in 1970 by Shri Sundarlal Jain, the Veteran enterprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading partner Messrs Motilal Banarsidass. Hitherto eight Volumes of the Series (that is, four Vols. Of the ...
The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part III (Skandhas 7-9) in English translation. It is the eighth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the series was envisaged and financed in 1970 by shri Sundarlal Jain, the Veteran enterprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading partner Messrs Motilal Banarsidass. Hitherto nine Volumes of the Series, including the present one, ...
The present Volume contains the Bhagavata Purana Part IV (Skandha X) in English translation. It is the tenth in the series of fifty Volumes on Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology. The project of the series was envisaged and financed in 1970 by Shri Sundarlal Jain, the Veteran enterprizer in the field of Oriental Publication and the leading partner Messrs Motilal Banarsidass. Hitherto ten Volumes of the Series, including the present one, (that ...
This Purana contains four sections called Khandas consisting of 276 chapters. They are Brahma (30 Chs), Prakriti (67 Chs), Ganapati (46 Chs) and Srikrsna-janma (133 Chs). These four we have arranged in 2 parts. Part I contains three sections: Brahma, Prakrti, Ganesa. Section on Brahma deals with the creation of the universe by Brahma who is none other than lord Krsna himself. Section on Prakrti identifies her with Durga, Radha, Laksmi, Sarasvati and Savitri, ...