Showing all 3 books
Literacy is the most important factor for the all-round development -self and social. Moreso women literacy is of paramount importance, as is said educated a woman, educate all generations. This book addresses to many crucial factors pertaining to women literary which include -Introduction; Issues in Women Literacy; literacy: A Curse; Women in India; Education, health and development; Women and technical Education: A case Study; Women Education and development; ...
A new social order ensures gender equality in all sphere/walks of life. Traditionally, women are still discriminated on all occasion all over the world. Here in this book we have compiled some readings highlighting women's status in social perspective. The following themes are given elaborate treatment -Social Status of Indian Women; Women and Social reform Movements; participatory development and Women; Women and technological Change; Women, social Movement and ...
The new Panchayati Raj system under an act of parliament, has ushered in a Women's participation in PRIs is made mandatory, which has helped emancipation and empowerment of women. The present book consists of the following chapters -Women and Panchayati Raj; Beginning of a Silent Revolution; Women's Participation in Social and Political Affairs; Legislative and Constitutional Support for Decentralization; Reservation for Women in Union; Women and Local ...