J.P. Gupta

Showing all 7 books
Strictly according to the revised syllabus as prescribed by RGPV Bhopal MP in theory and practical. It had alaso been observed that at the time of completing their practical records during the semester and at the time of External/nternal Practical/ Oral/ Viva the students will face lot of trouble. The book had also covered the solution of previous year question papers of RGPV from july 2008 backward. Hence it is needed to write a common Book ...
From the point of view of sustainability, the farmers of the arid areas had been practicing agroforestry since ancient times. In recent years this attained more importance particularly from the point of view of efficient utilization of land and water resources, meeting grain, fuel wood and fodder needs of increasing human and livestock population and protecting the environment from deterioration. The present volume is comprised of 23 chapters containing ...
Concepts, definitions and scope of Public Health practice have been changing since Wonslow’s definition of Public Health in 1920. Currently all professionals concerned directly or indirectly with practice of Public Health share a common understanding of looking at Public Health in developmental framework. With the changing health problems in the communities, the nature and magnitude of challenges faced by health managers in managing these problems has also ...
Analytical evaluation of book, essay, article, poetry, etc., by a person, whether known to writer or not, through a written communication is an expression of literary criticism. Such an art of literary criticism is based on sound knowledge of both language and subject matter, experience, principles and themes of criticism and communicative ability of communicator, i.e., the critic. "An Introduction to Literary Criticism" is a sincere ...