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Recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift in the developmental planning process. The most significant change is seen in the governmental emphasis on area-based basic approach for the management of natural resources. There is increasing acceptance of participatory resource management by involving local communities, officials, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders. As such an approach requires site-specific microplans, this book shows how to ...
Population, term referring to the total human inhabitants of a specified area, such as a city, country, or continent, at a given time. Population study as a discipline is known as demography. It is concerned with the size, composition, and distribution of populations; their pattern of change over time through births, deaths, and migration; and the determinants and consequences of such changes. Population studies yield knowledge important for planning, ...
New threats constantly call for new international responses. Examples are the conventions against acts of terrorism and the distribution of drugs. Despite the modern multiplication of global and regional multilateral treaties, however, customary international law still maintains a central role in the legal system of the international community. Social security is public programs designed to provide income and services to individuals in the event of retirement, ...
Gerontologists study how older people are treated within a society and how the elderly deal with the inevitable problems of aging, particularly those involving health and income. Health problems include normal losses in hearing, eyesight, and memory and the increased likelihood of chronic diseases. These losses are gradual and proceed at different rates for each individual. Many people do not experience declines until very old age, and the great majority of the ...