Showing all 2 books
On its broadest level, this book contributes to an ongoing expansion of both the history of religions and Buddhist studies by focusing on what is a far too frequently ignored aspect of religious experience: visual images. This is a study that is intended to speak to, and be relevant for, not only those interested specifically in Buddhism, but also scholars and students in the field of religion at large who are interested in the dialectical ways abstract, abstruse ...
In the 6 century B.C.E., a young prince named Siddhartha Gotama set out on an ascetic quest to alleviate human suffering. In the middle ground between opulence and self-denial, he discovered a path to enlightenment and self awareness--and he dedicated his life to sharing that discovery. The man called Buddha, the "awakened one," traveled as an itinerant monk, imparting principles of enlightenment throughout India and what is now Southern Nepal. He was ...