Showing all 2 books
‘O my friends, there is no friend.’ This strange and provocative address, attributed to Aristotle and interrogated and re-inflected by many subsequent philosophers, provides the focus and keynote for each of the ‘ten chapters of Jacques Derrida’s long-awaited new book. The ‘political turn’ many noted in Derrida’s Spectres of Marx continues here is a profound exploration of political history of Aristotle’s haunting exclamation, of the singularities ...
Influential enough to have affected the entire French critical scene, Jacques Derrida has been hailed as the most important philosopher in France today. "without a knowledge of Of Grammatology the American scholar has a simply inaccurate view of the French critical advance-guard," Spivak writes. "For in the final analysis, Derrida, even as he questions the notion of 'correction', corrects the common assumption of the two mutually opposed French ...