Jagat Pati Joshi

Showing all 6 books
The states of Himachal Pradesh, Panjab and Haryana lie between Lat. 27 40’ – 33 15’ N and long. 73 45’ – 78 58’ E. These states are encircled by Kashmir in the north, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh in the east, and Rajasthan and Pakistan in the west. The area is watered by the Satluj, Vyas, Ravi, Markanda and Yamuna. It has alpine climate in Kangra, sub-tropical climate in the alluvial plains of the Panjab and Haryana, while Himachal is a mountainous area ...
Excavations at Kalibangan were started during the field-season of 1960-61 by the present writer, as the Director of the School of Archaeology (now designated as Institute of Archaeology). During the following field-season he was away in Egypt, leading an Indian team which carried out excavations at Afyeh and Tumus in Nubia, under a UNESCO project. However, excavations were continued at Kalibangan by Shri B.K. Thapar, as Superintendent of the Excavations Branch of ...
For the first time ever, this book gives a full view of Harappan architecture and engineering. It begins with the history of the discovery of the Indus Civilisation. From Alexander Cunningham, through Marshall to Wheeler and recent excavators. It delineates the genesis and growth of urban architecture of the Harappan through the various discoveries from about twenty sites in the Indian subcontinent. It discusses the Harappan settlement pattern, its distribution ...