Jai Prakash Sharma
Showing all 15 books
Sachar Committee's report for the minorities has inspired two retired IPS officers to make a 'Majority Report'-which documents unprecedented discrimination being practiced against the poorest sections of Hindu society on the basis of the Sachar report. Mr. R.K. Ohri and Mr J.P. Sharma have come out with the most well researched rejoinder to the Sachar Committee Report till now. With Dr. Subramainan Swamy releasing the book, it was now clear that the political ...
Mercury is the Planet for intelligence and wordly wiseness. Without a good mercury no matter what knwoledge yuo posses you can't express it. This book deals at great length with all the astrological aspects of mercury including its mythological, astronomical and even social relevance in the present day world. it's also a part of our series dealing with one planet exclusively which is a unique attempt of its kind. this book tells you how you can tone up your ...
Saturn is indeed a very mysteriuos planet. While it is believed to be a hard-task master and the virutal representatives of Dharmaraj, when it favours anyone, it takes the person to the cloud nine! How these two apparently irreconcilable attributes can be justified has been very lucidly explained by the renowned astrologer, Pt. Jai Prakash Sharma, 'Lal Dhage Wale' In is this small but very enlightening book on Saturn. Pundit Ji's logical analysis to establish ...
The Sun is the soul of the solar system and in astrology it is deemed to be the king of the heavenly bodies. In human life it controls the native's soul force. All that the sun is described to be in our ancient tomes and all that practical experience the author has revealed has been squeezd in this tiny volume for the benefit of the learned and the uninitiated both. A unique book of its kind that reveals all about the solar influence over human life on this ...
The Moon is Believed to be the controller of the mind of the native and that's why in the Indian astrology great importance is attracted to the moon sign. This slender book encompasses all that man has learnt about the moon from the astrological, astronomical and even mythological angles besides its influence in various signs, houses, aspects and association. It is a complete book about the moon and a unique book of its kind. Not only it contains all about this ...
While Rahu and Ketu are called 'Shadow Planets' as they don't have any tangible exitense, Neptune and Hershal come under the category of trans-saturinine planets which the old school of Indian Astrology doesn't even recognise-But their significance in the modern times can't be gain-said. The must 'Visionary' Astrologer of out time, Pt. Jaiprakash Sharma, 'Lal Dhaga Wale' Ji, has put un his vast experience and research's findings in this slender volume to remove ...
Astrology is a subject of universal dimensions. It appears too vast to daunt a lay-learner. It is indeed a refreshing idea against this back-drop, to come across a series of books studying each planet's influence on human life. because unless we know the basic characteristic of a planet we cannot interpret its effect on the myriad fields of human life for e.g. there are many misconceptions prevalent about mars even though it is held to be the significator of ...
Venus is the planet of everything refined, sophisticated, apart from being the planet of love and romance. Know from this slender volume all you want to know about your sentiment and emotions concerning love and romance and learn how an afflicted Venus could be propitiated. This Book contains all the attributes including mythological, social and astronomical aspects of the concerned planet. It's part of the only series of its kind which deals with one planet ...
Jupiter is the significator of wealth and of the sense of discretion, and hence has acquired added significance in the modern life which deliberates for both of its gifts! Apart from touching deeply upon Jupiter’s all mythological, astronomical and Astrological significance, this unique book of its kind given even some of the rarest remedial measures to propitiate an afflicted Jupiter which have with-stood the test of time and are appearing, perhaps for the ...
In the age of the instant knowledge it was thought proper to come up with a book on 'Instant Astrology' or Prashna Jyotish. Of course this isn't a new subject in the astrology, but there are not many books written on this subject in English. Keeping in view the needs and desires of the modern questionnaire, this book has been devised in a comprehensive manner. In order to get even the uninitiated enjoy and derive some knowledge, an eleborate 'Glossary' and a full ...
Man is tiny and insignificant before the gigantic creation. He finds himself surrounded by a world which is too difficult to comprehend with his tiny intelligence. However every body's presence in this world has definite purpose and his knowledge provides him direction for achieving this goal. The Vedas, our ancient source of wisdom, provide specific path for this life journey. This contains essence of our ancient literature besides the deep research of the ...