Jaideva Singh

Showing all 8 books
The Paratrisika (or Paratrimsika) is a short Tantra which has been held in the highest esteem by Kashmir Saivism or Trika. After Somananda, Abhinavagupta has written two commentaries on it, a short one (Laghuvrtti) and an extensive one-the present Vivarana which is presented here for the first time in an English translation. The Paratrisika Vivarana is one of the most fascinating but also most difficult texts of the Kashmir Saiva School, and of the mystical ...
Vijnanabhairava is a very ancient book on Yoga. It studiously eschews mechanical worship, external rites and ceremonies and goes directly to the heart of the problem of the union of human consciousness with the Divine. There is no theoretical discussion in the book. It describes 112 types of yoga each of which is a precious gem delineating the mystic approach to the Divine. For this purpose, it makes full use of all the aspects of human life-prana, manas, ...
This little work is a digest f the Pratyabhijna system of Kashmir Saiva philosophy, prepared by Ksemaraja, the illustrious disciple of Abhinavagupta. It avoids al polemics and gives in a very succinct form (20 sutras) the main tents of the Pratyabhijna presented by Utpala. Pratyabhijna means recognition. Jiva is Siva; by identifying himself with his body, Jiva has forgotten his real nature. This teaching is meant to enable Jiva to suggest to him the spiritual ...
Dr. Jaideva Singh has studied the book with the help of his guru Swami Laksmana Joo, the sole surviving exponent of this system in Kashmir and has provided an English translation of the Sutras together with the commentary of Ksemaraja. The subject matter is arranged as under: Each Sutra is given in Devanagari as well as in Roman script. Then the meaning of every word of the Sutra is given in English, followed by a translation of the whole Sutra. This is followed ...
The present book is of the supreme significance from four points of view. Firstly, it breaks a new ground in Indian philosophy. According to it, the Self is not simply witnessing consciousness as maintained by Sankhya, Patanjala Yoga, Vedanta, but an active force of Spanda. Secondly, the ultimate reality is not simply a logical system, a mysterious background of bloodless categories, but spanda or living, throbbing Energy, the Divine creative Pulsation, the ...
The Paratnsika (or Paratrimsika) is a short Tantra which has been held in the highest esteem by Kashmir Saivism or Trika. After Somananda, Abhinavagupta has written two commentaries on it, a short one (Laghuvrtti) and an extensive one-the present Vivarana which is presented here for the first time in English translation. The Parntrisika Vivarana is not only one of the most fascinating but also most difficult texts of the Kashmir Saiva School, and of the mystical ...
This brief introduction to Madhyamaka Philosophy gives a history of the rise and growth of Madhyamaka Philosophy, and the origin, structure, development and purpose of the Madhyamaka dialectic. It elucidates the distinction between Hinayana and Mahayana in respect of pratityasamutpada, nirvana, the ideal of religious discipline, the concept of Dharma, and the concept of Buddhology. It discusses the meaning of Sunya-Sunyata and its axiological and soteriological ...
The Saiva religion is perhaps the most ancient faith of the world. Saivaism has a history going back to the Chalcolithic Age or even further, and it thus takes its place as the most ancient living faith in the world. It had many off-shoots and appeared in differenet forms in many parts of the world. In India, there are three main forms of this religio-philosophy, viz., the Vira-Saiva form in Deccan-Karnataka, the Saivasiddhanta in Tamil Nadu, and the Advaits ...