Jainendra Kumar Jha

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This book is designed to bring together various theories and approaches to sociology. The topics, given elaborate treatment in the present book. The well-researched and authentic information contained herein will prove a veritable mine to students, researchers and social scientists in the field.
Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social behaviour. The main focus of sociology is the group, not the individual. Sociology is distinguished by two characteristics: one, by its approach to phenomenon—the approach of science; two, by its subject matter—human interaction. To nutshell, sociology is the mother of all social sciences, though sociology does not study everything that happens in society or under social conditions. In the present ...
One of the first steps in sociology, as in any science, is a systematic classification of the phenomena with which it deals. Numerous dichotomous classification of societies are put forth by different sociologists e.g. Tonnies' 'Gemeinschaft' and 'Gesellschaft', Durkheion's 'mechanical solidarity' and 'organic solidarity', Maine’s 'status' and 'contract', Spencer's 'militant' ...
Social work, once thought of as a basket-on-the-arm assistance to the poor, it now is a discipline, scientific in method and artful in manner, that takes remedial action on problems in several areas of society. It ministers to families in economic or emotional difficulty. It helps communities to bring their welfare and related services into good balance. It works in medical, group, and school situations. It seeks to correct the causes underlying delinquency and ...
Social casework can be practised successfully in a democratic society only. In the context of social casework practice, democracy implies freedom and self-fulfilment. It had its origin in charity—in a noble sentiment of duty towards one’s fellow beings. This book with its rich contents has become a veritable mine of information.
Social welfare is a system of laws, programmes, benefits and services which strengthen or assure provisions for meeting social needs recognised as basic for the welfare of the population and for the functioning of the social order. While social work is a professional service, based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relations, which helps individuals, groups, or communities obtain social or personal satisfaction and independence. The term ...
A closer working partnership might be of mutual benefit, contributing some more effective working methods to community development and enlarging the horizon of social work by forcing it to apply its knowledge and skills on a broader scale. This work, encyclopaedic in nature, covers all important issues pertaining to the theme.
Society enables man to achieve talents and qualities by virtue of which he can make progress and achieve superiority over other living beings. Civics helps to resolve social conflicts in society and help man to live in harmony with other fellow beings. However, the word civics is derived from the Latin word ‘civis’ that means ‘a citizen’. Another Latin word ‘Civitas’ means ‘city state’. Both these words have given birth to the social science known ...
Economics deals with the study of various activities of man directed towards acquisition of wealth and earning of money. In our country we have very old economic traditions. It was about 500 B.C. that Kautilya, the famous Indian thinker wrote the book Arthshastra. Since then, a tremendous change has been occurred in economics and it has gone much away from the old tradition of economics. In its present the economics of the day may be considered as the boon of ...
In these days of individualism and economic stresses, the practice of home-making has been somewhat modified but basically it remains what it used to be in ancient times. Today also the home is the basic social unit, and a careless or clumsy housewife is nowhere respected. In recent times home-making, or home economics as it is called – has been given an important place in the curricula of educational institutions of all grades, from the nursery school to the ...
Sociology is distinguished by two characteristics. Firstly, by its approach to phenomena—the approach of science, and second, by its subject matter—human interaction. In brief, sociology is the scientific study of human interaction. Sociology, does not however, study everything that happens in society or under social conditions. For example, sociologists study religion only in so far as it affects social relationship, i.e. the relationship of man to man, of ...