Showing all 2 books
A different arrangement of Panini’s Sutras was attempted by several grammarians, of which Siddhantakaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita is very popular, in bringing together the relevant sutras bearing on a particular topic. Laghukaumudi is a suitable abridgement of the same by Varadaraja in introducing the beginner to the rudiments of the Sanskrit Language. The present book is an English version of Laghukaumudi together with comments, references and an index. One of ...
Traditionally and historically it is affirmed that Kapila is the real founder of the philosophical school known as Sankhya, or enumeration. The school is so termed on account of it having given rise to twenty-four categories of existence or what may be called evolutes. Prior to Kapila, Indian philosophical scene was in a state of diffusion, in that the Sankhya elements of thought were scattered in various Upanisadic texts, which meant no systematic presentation ...