James Vadackumchery

Showing all 13 books
Push-Pull-Ego Factor Theory of Crime Causation-my Eureka-is fully and elaborately exposed in this book. Heredity interacts with environments to form the Personality (Ego). The Animality, Spirituality, Morality/Ethics and Intelligence form the Push Factors which along with the Ego interact with the environment, otherwise known as the Pull Factors. As a result, a crime comes into being and the Ego Factor formed out of the interactions between the Push and Pull ...
Enforcement crime is a new concept introduced by the author and it means the crimes committed by enforcement officers during the course of law enforcement or on the pretext of law enforcement or on the prefect of law enforcement. Till now/nobody viewed such violations of law as crime/although some named the acts as ‘lawless law enforcement’. The author gives a special identity to enforcement crimes and pleads for compensation to victims of misuse/abuse of ...
The U.N. declarations and conventions on human rights are rooted in Indian mysticism. Indian mystical revelations and U.N. declarations separated by thousands of years are one and the same. What sort of relationship can be there between Indian mysticism and United Nations declarations and conventions on the human rights? This book is all about them. It brings out the parallels on human rights and police as they are seen in Indian mysticism and U.N. declarations. ...
The Supreme Court of India interprets the, provisions of the Codes and lays down the judge-made laws which bind the police, subordinate courts and people. The court-made laws are plenty and it becomes obligatory for the police to follow the laws, directives and principles pronounced by the Courts of Record. But there may occur conflicts and consensus even between the Apex Court and the police whenever laws are enforced Museum piece Penal Code of 1860 and the ...
This book includes its definition, alongwith its etiological explanations and its relationship with white collar crime, organized crime and enforcement crime. Enforcement crime, another aspect of criminology also occupies place in his study and is included in his book on enforcement crimes. He is an author of more than 40 authentic and authoritative books in the areas of crime, police and justice. This book treats crime practised, perpetrated in police services ...
Police Criminology and Crimes is a new branch of study in criminological literature. Why do the law enforcement officials commit crimes? A law enforcer must never become a law violator-this is a myth or a wish! This book talks about police crimes down the millennia and analyses the etiological aspects of police crimes. Oppression, extortion, corruption, coercion, concoction of evidence, connivance with underworld criminals, nexus crimes, manipulation of records, ...
The Justice Less Administered is an analysis of the law-caused, system-caused, procedure-caused, personnel-caused injustices in Indian criminal justice system. 49 areas are exposed and the reader gets an insight into he working of the less Justice administration. From arrests to acquittals/convictions, there are several processes during which the personnel exercise the power and authority may misuse or abuse them. The law and procedure enacted in the past and ...
The Rights of the child and the Best Interest of the Child –both are to be recognized and honoured by the judiciary when juvenile justice is administered. This is the central theme of this book Judiciary and Juvenile Justice and is intended not only for judicial officers but also for the police, presecutors, defence lawyers, personnel involved in correctional administration, human rights activities and all those interested in the welfare of children. The ...
The memories stored in the subconscious of a simple man during his 28 long years of humble service in police are recollected in his Memoirs when he bid farewell to his official life. Being ONE among the uniform-folk and becoming NONE among them, he taught the police officials how to behave properly when they policed the society and how to understand others’ behaviour and their behavioural dynamics. The experiences he had were unique; the smiles and the tears of ...
This is a multi-disciplinary, practice oriented comprehensive book on the Methodology of research in criminology, Law, Justice and Correction. The book (Vol. 1) begins with a question: “what is research?†and ends in volume 2 with a chapter on publication of the research results for the people interested in the area to make of the results of the research. Everything from A to Z discussed in two volumes and that is the reason why the book is given the title ...