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1. India has a large network of around 634 universities and 33,000 colleges with 817,000 teachers spread across the length and breadth of the country.
2. Despite its massive geographical reach, higher education in India has had its share of problems.
3. This volume is a collection of essays which discusses these problems like inclusiveness and the impact of reservation on education, the problems of mediocrity, shortage of funds, dwindling numbers of faculty and ...
The present selection of forty chapters provides scholarly analyses, from different disciplinary perspectives, of a wide variety of education issues, starting from the functioning of the systems, the socio-political dynamics of education policy making, technical, methodological and practical aspects of planning and development, gender issues, quantity-quality-equity aspects, student movements, subsidies, mobilisation of resources, privatisation, globalisation, ...
India has a large and diverse economic and social database which, although it compares well with the information available in other developing countries, is characterized by a number of inadequacies. To start with, there are problems of coverage: the population covered by a particular data-set is often not comprehensive enough, or efforts to merge information from different sources are rendered impossible due to overlapping populations and variations in ...
Women's Education and Development analyses the contribution of women's education in India to various dimensions of development. The contributions of the scholars drawn from various disciplines, such as economics, sociology, political science, and education, compliment each other in their analyses, and thus, in all the volume presents a rich and insightful analyses of women's educational issues from sociological, economic and political angles, and their relation ...
Financing of Secondary Education in India presents rich and insightful analyses of the trends in financing of secondary education, analyses the pattern of financing of government schools, schools run by local bodies and private secondary schools and critically examines the grants-in-aid policies of governments in twelve major states in India. Consisting of state-level studies on Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, ...