Showing all 6 books
Let the Sadhaka retire to a solitary place and take his seat in a Yogic posture like the Swastika, Siddha or the Lotus, on a seat made either of the holy Kusa grass or of wool, keeping his spine erect and without feeling any inconvenience. Let him then withdraw his senses from their respective objects and renouncing all worldly thoughts make the mind totally void of impressions. Thereafter let him invoke the Lord, the Deity of his heart, in a pure state of mind, ...
Mahabharata War was fought around the year 3000 BC.Lord Krishna - The epicenter of the whole story, although never made to appear as one. He has a simple role to play in the whole story - that of a charioteer of Pandava’s army’s fate. And truly how he does it leaves you dumbfounded. That someone can provide such profound lessons and lead a much weaker side to a victory so convincingly is possible only through a divine intervention. In doing so, the Supreme ...